The whole creative story…

Adventures of creative soul

In this zine I look back on the creative adventures I have made and the lessons I’ve learned ♥︎ This is the story of my life, not being afraid of the unknown. It contains lots of powerful texts and quotes that I’ve collected, lessons of life, during this last periode. They are very dear to me and I carry them with me, always.

The whole creative story and how it all started:
The baby with the big blue eyes. A playful girl exploring how te be human. Creating her life by finding her ‘why’.
It al started with drawing and making collages she puts on her wall. Eager to learn by exploring, mostly self-taught… she is a visual thinker.

After her studies her creative soul starts playing her role as a graphic designer. After being a cookie cutter of others, she feels more and more comfortable choosing her own style. She rocks when entrepreneurs start using her creating skills and wisdom to shape their business by designing logo’s and all kind of communication tools.

She learned because of her curious and exploring character. Traveling and hiking and her kids became important for her. The universe wanted her to use her qualities, and if not, it would stop her. So she decided to continue. Faced her demons and her fears and grabbed the universal magic that was ment for her; drawing and painting.

It was there all along. Sinds she was an untouched child. Intuitively she started playing and experimenting. And let creativity catch her hard at work, even when she thought she was not good enough. She new she was not perfect. This was all just an experiment to begin with, an instinct…. So if greatness accidentally stumbles upon her, she would still try and work hard.

She discovered The Art Beat Club and signed up for the Art Beat Angels. She started an adventure of creative flow. Knowing she could have it all, just not all at ones, she starts awaking her deepest desire to up level her life.

Scared to death but saddling up anyway. She learned she was not qualified to judge her own work, only to make it and get better. This was her own way to refill and she was courages to wish for more.
This was her kingdom, her labor of love! and thanked the universe for the amazing trip so far!

Just trust the magic of new beginnings.
Change can be sunshine if you just let it in.
